Wednesday, September 17, 2008

10 Easy Things I Never Thought Would be a Challenge

As I head into the home stretch (we only have about 6 more weeks before this little boy is coming to us!), I am seriously struggling with the increasing size of my belly. (FYI: I weighed in today at my 34 week check-up at almost 170 pounds- Ugh!) Here are TEN very VERY mundane things that I can no longer do without putting a lot of thought and/or energy into:
1) Roll over in bed
2) Stand up from a sitting position (and by the same token, Sit up from a reclining position)
3) Breathe
4) Stand on one leg (to change clothes)
5) Get in and out of a car...
6) Sit with my legs crossed (seriously, they are too swollen to fold over anymore!)
7) Sit with my legs even together (they don't allow room for the big belly)
8) Go even about 30 minutes without having to go to the bathroom
9) Sit in reclining chairs, bucket seats, and on bar stools
10) Stand upright for more than 5 minutes

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